hi i'm new here. I have bought a Horex but which model and which year.IMG_0415[5205].jpg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)IMG_0403[5199].jpg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)
welcome here. According to the engine no. this is a Regina 350 Model 3, with an engine built in July 1953. If the frame no. (i.e. engraved on the ID plate or the steering head gusset, right hand side) is identical, my dating holds also for the entire vehicle. As far as I can see, some pieces are missing, have been modified or even exchanged with non-original stuff.
Hej Hans og velkommen i Horex Forem Hvis du har brug for Horex information på Skandinavisk (dansk) er du velkommen til at spørge om alt. Mange Horex-hilsner fra København Makis
on older models the number was stamped into the gusset below the saddle/behind the horn, afair right hand side. Anyway, there has to be an oval-shaped boss on the gusset, with a plain face area for the number. Possibly, on of the previous owners has filled the number with tin or spattling compound. Or has filed/grinded the boss off. The number has to start with 03, which indicates the model Regina3. If it is the same as the engine no., you own a Regina in works condition with respect to the frame/engine combination, as Horex used identical numbers for both. On the front side of the steering head gusset, behind the head lamp, an identification plate was fixed, by groove pins:
IMG_0437[5207].jpg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)IMG_0437[5207].jpg - Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)hi can anyone help me? I know the frame number 035197753R Engine number 5197753R see picture on registration number. what country it may be from. I need paper to register it in Sweden
Wikipedia tells us it might have come from the former Yugoslavia, especially the the district of Daruvar in Croatia. As far as I remember we have at least one member from this country in our forum. Help could be available from him, but unfortunately, I forgot his name.
Zitat von renato im Beitrag #12 As far as I remember we have at least one member from this country in our forum. Help could be available from him, but unfortunately, I forgot his name. Cheers r.
War das nicht "damir"? Der ist allerdings gelöscht. Ich glaub ein Kumpel von ihm ist/war "monkeytownhenry", der hier aber auch schon lägere Zeit nicht aktiv war.
sorry, ich schreib lieber deutsch, will mich nicht blamieren
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